Skupna elekto dirka Avstrija - Slovenija - ???

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Skupna elekto dirka Avstrija - Slovenija - ???

OdgovorNapisal/-a GHOST » 16.06.2014, 17:21

Danes je prišla z avstrijske modelarske zveze ideja za eno skupno elektro dirko v Tolminu. Seveda se morajo tudi oni še pogovoriti. Ideja da se mogoče pridruži tudi Tonisport.

Prosim za vaše komentarje, predvsem MD Tolmin in TOpModeltehnik (Jernej Vuga).
Lp Dean
Kolendar - Avstrijsko DP Elektro 2014
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 703
Pridružen: 30.10.2002, 22:10
Kraj: Maribor

Re: Skupna elekto dirka Avstrija - Slovenija - ???

OdgovorNapisal/-a GHOST » 16.06.2014, 19:42

Tukaj še njihov dopis : (v angleščini)

Here is Austrians chairman of electric onroad speaking:
First a warm welcome to the Slovenian electric onroad racers! As Dean said, am I interested in racing in Slovenia with the Austrian National Championship - to be honest - to promote our series and get more drivers involved! BUT - this is an idea for 2015, because 2014 the saison planning is closed and can´t be changed. Just for your information: we drive 3 classes - very common to other countries and series - F1 (selected 21.5T, selected speed controller, limited tires - Ride), Touring car stock (this saison 17.5 LRP X20 with fixed timing sensor; selected blinky mode controller, Ride REX 34) and Touring car modified (Ride 34) - so quite usual rules. One of the main reason for this idea is, that Jan Popič is racing in Austria very often and very sucessful, so I was thinking about other racers in Slovenia, which could be interested in going together with Jan and his family. The next race in Austria is from the 19th to the 20th of July at the really beautiful racetrack in Wiener Neustadt and as far as I know, the Popic´s will attend this one - maybe there are further more Slovenian Racers, who are interested in and you will take part as guest racers = no championship points - because regulary attending the Austrian Championship will afford a membership in an Austrian Club and a OEFMAV - licence (which probably can be changed for a single race in Slovenia 2015) - Dean Popic will give you more information about this! Best regards from Austria
Section Chairman Electric On Road
Vinzenz Schrank ( Steffi Englisch is just my well known nickname and you can call me Steffi for sure)
Lp Dean
Kolendar - Avstrijsko DP Elektro 2014
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 703
Pridružen: 30.10.2002, 22:10
Kraj: Maribor

Re: Skupna elekto dirka Avstrija - Slovenija - ???

OdgovorNapisal/-a GHOST » 16.06.2014, 20:01

Avstrijska modelarska zveza "nam" omogoča dirkanje na 3.dirki za Avstrijsko DP v 1.MRC Wiener Neustadt z popolnoma novim asfaltom in zelo dobrim oprijemom.

Odločili so se, da lahko pridejo voziti Slovenci kljub temu da nimajo licence in niso člani nobenega Avstrijskega kluba, le točkovanja za Avstrijsko DP nimajo.

Torej vabim vas na naslednjo dirko za Avstrijsko DP v Wiener Neustadt dne 19.-20.07.2014

Vse zainteresirane naprošam, da se za podrobnejše informacije glede pravilnika obrnejo na mene.
Lp Dean
Kolendar - Avstrijsko DP Elektro 2014
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 703
Pridružen: 30.10.2002, 22:10
Kraj: Maribor

Re: Skupna elekto dirka Avstrija - Slovenija - ???

OdgovorNapisal/-a GHOST » 16.06.2014, 20:17

Se opravičujem za "napačne" informacije, žal so preverili njihov pravilnik in to letos ne bo izvedljivo ! Bodo pa se potrudili naslednje leto da bi to sprejeli in bi lahko vozili tudi tujci brez licence in da so člani kakšnega avstrijskega kluba.

Pa še dobesedi dopis.
Citiram :
So just checked the rulebook and unfortunately this year the nationals are only for licence drivers to attend - and I think I cannot change this rule before the next general meetin in november (guest drivers are only allowed at regional races, sorry for that, I mixed this up) - the only possibility is to get a "short-term" membership at the LAMAC for instance and to pay for a ÖFMAV quick licence - but this is quite "expensive" - 15€ - but you can only get one if you are member in an austrian club (like you) - so once again - sorry for that - but I promise, I will find a way to weaken up this rules for the next saison!
Lp Dean
Kolendar - Avstrijsko DP Elektro 2014
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 703
Pridružen: 30.10.2002, 22:10
Kraj: Maribor

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